Like a Phoenix…

Welcome to the re-birth!  I know its been awhile.  Frankly for a bit there I didnt know if I even wanted to continue this blog.  After some serious introspective, I realized that I did, just not the way I had been doing it.  So here’s the skinny –

Instead of only reporting on devices that I actually own, I am expanding my topics to any technology that interests me.  I was feeling a trifle stifled (did i just say that?) by limiting myself to my Evo and iPad.  By expanding the blogs scope, there is so much more that I delve into!  Now before you think things are going to get all willy nilly in here, I will tell you that for the realm of this blog, i will keep the topics to Android, iPod, Ipad, Windows 7, Windows Phone 7, OS, and similar areas.

That being said, you can be sure this will always be your information spot for Android.  I will always be an Android fan.  Just now it will be more than just info about my current phone LOL  So thanks those of you that have patiently waited for my return, and thanks those of you that were bored and clicked the link for the hell of it.  Stay tuned for some good stuff!
